Fysiolab Kinesitherapie, Revalidatie en Blessurepreventie Antwerpen kinesist

Dry Needling


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Did you know we are doing Dry Needling?
our senior physio Marie Michiels is experienced in Dry needling.

You would like to make an appointment @FysioLab to have Dry Needling or you want more information?

You can see Marie’s scheduele here to make an online appointment.


Filip Stremersch

Filip Stremersch

Filip Stremersch obtained a Masters in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy at the University of Antwerp. He wants to solve as many physical complaints as possible through his practice. In addition to being a physiotherapist, he also specializes in sports physiotherapy, aqua rehabilitation and back school.

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Desguinlei 17/19
2018 Antwerpen
03 808 05 08

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